Joy Overflowing

The Story of a Truly Motivated Leader

Janelle walks up to the front door and knocks, her other hand holding a heavy canvas bag. She steps inside the open door and is immediately greeted by three exuberant children. They are smiling, and they run up to hug her while also sneaking a glance inside the bag. The savory aroma of spaghetti sauce stretches their smiles even wider. The children’s excited footsteps echo through the house as Mom and Dad sit peacefully on the couch, their smiles rivaling their children’s. They are ready for a well deserved night to just enjoy their family without having to worry about dinner. Janelle exclaimed, “serving our family who is fostering is so uplifting and fun!” Joy overflows from this care community, lifting up both the family and those who serve them.

Daniel and Brittany Howell have been foster parents intermittently for the past ten years. When they were planning to leave town on a trip, Janelle saw a perfect opportunity to serve them in a special way. After Brittany produced a modest list with a few basic jobs to be done, Janelle encouraged her to “dream a little” and write down projects that she would be excited to have done for her family, like refurbishing the boys bedroom and updating their furniture. Knowing that the Howells give so much of their time to love children from hard places, she wanted to go above and beyond their hopes and take on projects that Daniel and Brittany would not have time to complete. And that is exactly what she did.

In an eight day effort, the entire team went all out for the Howell family while they were out of town. They repainted several rooms, repaired drywall, organized the pantry, purchased new furniture, and much more. Janelle also recollected that she had reached out to an online seller of a high end couch, and the woman, who had listed the couch at six hundred dollars, ended up donating it. Everyone was so excited to surprise the family when they returned.

Daniel recalled their late night return home after being away. Even before they arrived, their neighbor had contacted them, saying, “You’re not going to recognize your house!” Around 1:30am, the Howells, exhausted and eager to go to sleep, unloaded their car and walked inside. The children were jolted awake by the sight of their rejuvenated home. They ran around the house, excitedly peering into each room and gazing at the freshly painted walls and new furniture. Daniel said, “It was a real blessing, and we were very wowed.” Brittany explained that Janelle and the team went far above her and Daniel’s hopes, and they accomplished tasks that the family didn’t even say they needed to be done. She exclaimed that they even constructed a triple bunk bed for the boys! In her words, “Their thoughtfulness just went above and beyond.”

The Howells expressed their immense gratitude for their care community and the work they do including, but not limited to, their home update. Brittany explained that an important aspect of the care community’s impact is that they provide “friend support.” They are able to give relationally and initiate friendships, which are crucial to the success of any foster parent. Brittany said, “Our care community has been one of the biggest surprises and blessings of our life.”

It’s our genuine hope that every family like the Howells that want a care community, could have one. If you are willing to step up and see how your talents might be used to serve, please consider helping lead a Family Advocacy Ministry at your church or bring a meal just once a month. Remember, not all can FOSTER, but all can CARE.


One Family at a Time.


So, what if I don’t like cooking?