About Us


To strengthen and support foster, adoptive and biological families in crisis by creating community and equipping churches to launch and lead Family Advocacy Ministries.



For every vulnerable child to experience love in a well-supported family.

Our Beginning

Our Goals



Prevent vulnerable children from entering foster care by supporting biological families in crisis.


In many cases, a vulnerable child already lives with a loving, biological family, but that family isn’t equipped to fully care for their child in that season. Sometimes a house payment or grocery bill could mean the difference between a child staying with family or entering foster care. Churches, when aware and educated, have the opportunity to support a biological family in crisis and help keep that family together.



Intervene in a child’s life when child welfare intervenes in a child’s life.


When neglect or abuse is involved, the state will intervene. This means it’s also time for the Church to intervene. Commission 127 and our church partners are not equipped to determine whether a family is a good fit for fostering or adoption. That’s up to the state. What we can and should do, however, is come around our local foster and adoptive families to provide a support system.



Connect children to families and church communities, forever.


Our heart is to see God redeem broken places and strengthen biological families to reunify with their children who were once placed in a foster home for a season. We also provide resources to help families understand the adoption process, learn how to care for adopted children, and create a healthy, loving environment for their kids.


The Commission 127 Team

Meet the founders.

Betsey Bell, MSW

Rechaud Bell


“Having fostered and adopted ourselves, we know what it’s like to feel isolated even surrounded by people who want to help, but don’t know how. We have a passion for connecting families with the help and resources they need to be successful.”

Our Team


The Commission 127 Board


Our Board

There’s hope. And it’s getting better.