For Churches

Mobilize your congregation
with a new opportunity to serve.
Churches are often full of people who want to make a positive impact in the lives of vulnerable children, but don’t always know how. They simply need a plan.
C127 is here to help.
We believe if congregations are empowered to learn about the challenges local at-risk children are experiencing, families will step up – either by becoming a foster or adoptive family, walking alongside one, or by deciding to meet a real-time need of a family in crisis.
We understand that finding the time and resources to begin a ministry can be challenging. That’s why C127 is here to help. We have trained more than 80 advocates representing over 30 churches and greatly recognize how the value of collaboration dramatically impacts what we do each day.
The Family Advocacy Ministry (FAM)
A proven ministry model to create much-needed support for vulnerable children and those caring for them.
Time spent in foster care can be a troubling and tumultuous experience for the vulnerable children placed into it and we long to turn that into one full of comfort, love, and stability.
The biggest way we accomplish this is through a step-by-step model called Family Advocacy Ministries or FAMs.
It takes time, money, and emotion to prioritize at-risk kids and their families.
We’re grateful when a church partner decides to make this investment to care for vulnerable children in their local community, and we want to do all we can to help push forward their mission.
To alleviate the stress and confusion that can come with creating any new ministry, we’ve created a step-by-step model called Family Advocacy Ministries (FAMs).
How it works
Commission 127 provides the training, resources, and guidance needed to empower churches to set up and maintain successful FAMs.
Commission 127 implements FAMs to help bring about a positive impact in the lives of vulnerable children by:
Recruiting and equipping families to care for at-risk kids
Serving foster and adoptive families, and biological families in crisis
Advocating on behalf of families and vulnerable children
Ministering to families and meeting physical, emotional, and spiritual needs
Commission 127 equips and engages churches to serve foster and adoptive families by providing two main tools for their FAM: Care Communities and CarePortal.
Care Communities
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
The Impact
The impact of these support tools within a FAM has been huge.
The rate of foster families that continue beyond the first placement has gone from 50% to more than 90%. In addition, 30% of the volunteers choose to increase their levels of service and bring children into their own homes as licensed foster parents.
C127 Network
Together, we are making kingdom impact in child welfare in Central Florida.
Since the beginning, our approach has been to collaborate first and understand what is being done, then determine needs and develop partnerships. This goal of caring for vulnerable children isn’t possible in isolation. We recognize the need for collaboration and work diligently to build partnerships with others working toward our same vision.
This partnership is called The C127 Network: a group of churches and organizations across Central Florida that are committed to the mandate in James 1:27 to “care for the orphan”.
We share proven models and best practices so you’ll have the greatest impact for families who desperately want and need your support.
We are honored to partner with the following churches, who have launched a FAM and are loving well locally.