Our Impact

Over 140 million children worldwide are considered orphans, with over 400,000 of these children living in the United States.
Kids in the Foster System
Kids in the foster system experience family breakdown, placement in an unfamiliar home, disruption – and too often, disruption again. Sadly, many children “age out” of foster care without a permanent or lasting sense of family – beginning their adult lives on a lonely and confusing journey.
Foster children in the United States often experience adverse outcomes, including:
Human Trafficking
70% of human trafficking victims in the U.S. spent time in foster care
In several states, 65% of inmates aged out of foster care
There are currently 2 million 18-24-year-olds living homeless in the U.S., many of whom spent time in foster care.
71% of young women who have “aged out” of foster care become pregnant within one year.
Fostering is anything but easy.
It takes faith, time, money, and emotion to care for vulnerable children. Without support, the role of a foster parent can feel nearly impossible. In fact, the national average of families who quit fostering within their first year is about 50%. This means we not only need to increase the number of families caring for vulnerable children, but we need to create support for these families so they can foster longer and stronger.
There’s hope. And it’s getting better.
We’ve seen over 50 churches step up and engage in taking steps towards creating FAMs locally. Over 1400 people have gone through a volunteer orientation through their churches FAM, and over 360 local foster, adoptive, and biological families in crisis have been connected with the heart of Commission 127. To care for these children, we lean into partnerships with churches and organizations, knowing that together we can make a greater impact – which is happening now through awareness, collaboration, and dedication.