Because kids belong in families.
We strengthen and support foster, adoptive and biological families in crisis by creating community and equipping churches to launch and lead Family Advocacy Ministries.
Commission 127 provides churches with a proven model that engages members of churches to directly serve local families loving kids from hard places.
Connecting hearts that want to help with meaningful ways to engage.
Connecting families loving kids from hard places to one another and to local churches.
“Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress”
— James 1:27
Get the facts. Make a change.
Children in foster care come from hard places. And without families, the impact of that results in startling statistics. But there is hope — Family Advocacy Ministries make the difference.
Here’s how you can help.
Whether you’re a church leader, an aspiring volunteer, or are interested in launching a FAM at your church, there are many ways to support this important mission.
Real families. Remarkable experiences.
Meet our community of families and volunteers from churches as they share how FAMs have impacted their lives.