Sarah Olsen

Board Member

Sarah moved to Florida from the greater Chicago area in the summer of 2015.  Before moving to Florida, she worked as a general contractor which afforded her the opportunity to gain extensive industry knowledge to further enhance the construction degree she obtained from Purdue University. She also spent a portion of her career working at a crisis pregnancy center managing five locations and organizing numerous fundraisers alongside their CEO. Both of those environments allowed her to hone in on what is important to a successful project; listening to the end user, creating a cohesive project team, developing a plan for execution and finishing strong as the details matter. Upon arriving in Florida, she found a home working at Westbrook Service Corporation where she began as a project manager and is now the Vice President and a shareholder/owner in the business.  Sarah’s passion for the poor, the disadvantaged, the lost is evident in all she does.  Whether it is building a team at work or leading an initiative at her local church you will find Sarah with a smile on her face as she serves those around her.


Becky Robey


Leigh Ann Horton